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Free entry fee (set-up fee €60+ activation fee €50)
Offer valid for any new 6-month subscription to a DUO NET SUPER RELAX + TV LIGHT taken out between 02/07/2024 and 15/01/2025 (inclusive). Download and upload speeds notably depend on your computer installation, your internal cabling and a possible router. The announced speeds are those accessible with a cable connection. The speeds attained may be lower with a Wi-Fi connection. Prices and characteristics on 1/9/2024.
Free entry fee (set-up fee €60+ activation fee €50)
Offer valid for any new 6-month subscription to a TRIO NET SUPER RELAX + TV LIGHT + MOBILE taken out between 02/07/2024 and 15/01/2025 (inclusive). Download and upload speeds notably depend on your computer installation, your internal cabling and a possible router. The announced speeds are those accessible with a cable connection. The speeds attained may be lower with a Wi-Fi connection. Prices and characteristics on 1/9/2024.
Free entry fee (set-up fee €60+ activation fee €50)
Offer valid for any new 6-month subscription to a QUATRO NET SUPER RELAX + TV LIGHT + MOBILE + TEL taken out between 02/07/2024 and 15/01/2025 (inclusive). Download and upload speeds notably depend on your computer installation, your internal cabling and a possible router. The announced speeds are those accessible with a cable connection. The speeds attained may be lower with a Wi-Fi connection. Prices and characteristics on 1/9/2024.